Journal 1
Today we start online school with zoom. This means we will be doing our classes live with our teacher. So far I've had two and neither of my teachers knew what to do with the app. My neighborhood has been really quiet except on one day when it was very warm out there were people everywhere. When it's nice out I've been going for walks and when it's been cold I've been taking the car for drives just to get out of the house. Technology has been taking up most of my time. I can't imagine being quarantined without it.
Journal 2
At first I thought the quarantine wasn't too bad but I realized that if the date we get off quarantine stays at April 30th, we are only half way done. That's starting to feel like a very long time and it is still possible for that date to get pushed back even more. I've been spending time with my parents and I've heard a lot about their work. My mom works for the park district as a preschool teacher but because of the quarantine her and all the other teachers and park district employees were fired because the park district can't pay them. My dad works at an artificial knee and hip distributor and they got a loan from the government in order to keep paying their employees. All of their employees will be making 25% less than before quarantine. As long as my dad's business uses at least 75% of the loan to pay employees, the loan will be forgiven. From a business and employees perspective this opportunity from the government is very good however it could have consequences in the future.
Journal 3
After having a few days with the zoom app I'm starting to like it more. The class days are a lot shorter than before and I get to sleep until 11 every day. If we do go back to school this year it's going to be a very rough adjustment. Talking with my dad I learned that many companies that didn't get loans fired their employees so they could receive unemployment. That is the main reasoning for the employment rate skyrocketing. I'm very lucky my family is fortunate enough to be able to afford what we need through savings. I know a lot of people that live paycheck to paycheck are really struggling during these times. Many more people will begin to struggle if this quarantine lasts longer.
Journal 4
Journal 6
Journal 4
There's a weird feeling with time lately. Everything feels like the time between Christmas and New Years. The days are starting to mend together. After being home all the time with little responsibility I've been losing track of the days. Every day feels like a Sunday. I've been doing absolutely nothing. At first I was finding different things to keep myself busy but now that I've done everything I've really just been on my phone and using a lot of social media.
Journal 5
At first I was spending a lot of time with my family but as the time went on I got more and more irritable so I've been spending more time alone. We've been on quarantine for over a month and there are no signs of it ending any time soon. I'm really hoping that this summer isn't affected because this is my last year of football for the rest of my life. This whole offseason my team has been working really hard and we have a chance to be really good this year but we really need the summer to work on our team chemistry and get everything together.
Journal 6
Today governor Pritzker is expected to announce that schools are going to be cancelled for the rest of the year. This means that in total the coronavirus took away a full quarter of the school year. I'm very happy I'm not a senior but I feel bad for those that are gonna lose their final seasons, prom, and graduation. Also missing out in seeing all the people at school that they don't see elsewhere. The weather has been really bad lately with snow coming over night so going outside has not been as enjoyable. I think everyone is slowly losing their minds being trapped inside.
Journal 7
Journal 8
Journal 9
Journal 7
I'm getting very used to being inside all the time. I've started cooking more to pass time. I helped my dad cook steaks and I've made some brownies too. My screen time on my phone and other electronics has skyrocketed up because there's not much else to pass the time. I can't imagine what quarantine would look like 30 years ago before the boom in electronics. I think many people would have a harder time following the guidelines and many more people would be affected by the virus. Me and my mom are both fine with staying home but my dad is starting to lose his mind a little bit because he's usually not home too much.
Journal 8
I'm losing a lot of motivation for working out. Before quarantine I was working out super hard to prepare for football but it's a lot easier when you have your team supporting you. I'm really nervous my last football season will be affected by the virus. I've heard rumors that if the football summer camp gets cancelled we might have 3 a days instead if 2 a days. My whole rugby season was cancelled and I wasn't able to go to our tournament at Kansas university. That would have been a special trip because my dad went to college their and it would have been really cool to play there.
Journal 9
I've been trying to fill my time with different activities. My mom taught me how to knit so I've been spending a lot of time knitting. It's actually very relaxing and pretty time consuming so I plan on spending a lot of time on it. Hopefully I'll make good progress on my blanket by the end of all of this. The stay at home order has been extended through May here in Illinois. I was expecting it and I'm expecting it to last longer than May as well. Many people I know were not expecting this which I think is going to make it a lot harder for them to stay home. Everything about this feels like it's straight out of a history book.
That is really cool that you can Knit. I need to start learning some new skills as well. I think I'll have a lot of time on my hands because I get a feeling this stay at home order is going to go pass May 31.